1,200 research outputs found

    Small subunit ribosomal metabarcoding reveals extraordinary trypanosomatid diversity in Brazilian bats

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    Background: Bats are a highly successful, globally dispersed order of mammals that occupy a wide array of ecological niches. They are also intensely parasitized and implicated in multiple viral, bacterial and parasitic zoonoses. Trypanosomes are thought to be especially abundant and diverse in bats. In this study, we used 18S ribosomal RNA metabarcoding to probe bat trypanosome diversity in unprecedented detail. Methodology/Principal Findings: Total DNA was extracted from the blood of 90 bat individuals (17 species) captured along Atlantic Forest fragments of Espírito Santo state, southeast Brazil. 18S ribosomal RNA was amplified by standard and/or nested PCR, then deep sequenced to recover and identify Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) for phylogenetic analysis. Blood samples from 34 bat individuals (13 species) tested positive for infection by 18S rRNA amplification. Amplicon sequences clustered to 14 OTUs, of which five were identified as Trypanosoma cruzi I, T. cruzi III/V, Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei, Trypanosoma rangeli, and Trypanosoma dionisii, and seven were identified as novel genotypes monophyletic to basal T. cruzi clade types of the New World. Another OTU was identified as a trypanosome like those found in reptiles. Surprisingly, the remaining OTU was identified as Bodo saltans–closest non-parasitic relative of the trypanosomatid order. While three blood samples featured just one OTU (T. dionisii), all others resolved as mixed infections of up to eight OTUs. Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates the utility of next-generation barcoding methods to screen parasite diversity in mammalian reservoir hosts. We exposed high rates of local bat parasitism by multiple trypanosome species, some known to cause fatal human disease, others non-pathogenic, novel or yet little understood. Our results highlight bats as a long-standing nexus among host-parasite interactions of multiple niches, sustained in part by opportunistic and incidental infections of consequence to evolutionary theory as much as to public health. Author summary: Bats make up a mega-diverse, intensely parasitized order of volant mammals whose unique behavioural and physiological adaptations promote infection by a vast array of microorganisms. Trypanosomes stand out as ancient protozoan parasites of bats. As cryptic morphology, low parasitaemia and selective growth in culture have recurrently biased survey, we used 18S ribosomal RNA metabarcoding to resolve bat trypanosomatid diversity in Atlantic Forest fragments of southeast Brazil. Next to several unknown species, our deep sequence-based detection and assignment protocol recognized multiple known human-pathogenic trypanosomes, another linked to reptile hosts as well as a non-parasitic kinetoplastid in the blood of various phyllostomid bats. The striking permissivity exposed here, in a region where bat trypanosomes recently featured in a fatal case of Chagas disease, compels further research on bats’ role in the dispersal and spill-over of various microorganisms among humans and wildlife

    Measurement of retinal blood vessel caliber using two different segmentation methods

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    In this paper, we explore two different retinal vessel segmentationmethods for the reliable estimation of vessels caliber in retinal images inorder to assess vascular changes as an aid for the diagnosis of the ocularmanifestations of several systemic diseases, namely diabetic retinopathyand hypertensive retinopathy

    An automatic graph-based method for retinal blood vessel classification

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    In this paper, we present an automatic approach to classify retinal vessels intoartery and vein classes by analyzing the extracted graph from the vasculature treeand deciding on the type of intersection points (bifurcation, crossing or meetingpoints). The results obtained by the proposed method were compared withmanual classification on 40 images of the INSPIRE-AVR dataset

    Family foster care in Portugal : perceptions of child protection professionals

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    Several years after changes were made to the Portuguese law that protects children and young people at risk, it seems little has been done to implement and prioritise Family Foster Care (FFC) in cases when children and young people need to be placed in out-ofhome care. In this regard, the main goal of this study is to understand the perceptions of professionals involved in the foster care system, concerning FFC placement. The Family Foster Care Perceptions Questionnaire – Version for Professionals, was filled out by 101 participants, between the ages of 20 to 58, from different professional backgrounds and child protection contexts. Main findings show that 69.3% of respondents seem to be familiar with FFC and about 50% consider it to be an adequate measure. Professionals also seem to value its child-centred approach and ability to promote child development and healthy attachment relationships, due to the benefits of a family environment. As barriers and as necessary conditions for placement success, respondents identified similar issues, mainly regarding regulations and procedures, relating to selection, evaluation, training, monitoring and support for foster families. Main conclusions emphasise the importance of professionals’ perceptions, as they inform about necessary changes to the child protection system.Decorridos alguns anos após as alterações à lei portuguesa de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens em Perigo, estas parecem não ter surtido efeito, continuando o número de colocações em acolhimento familiar (AF) abaixo do esperado e a medida a não ser prioritária nos caso de retirada da criança à família. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as perceções dos profissionais do sistema de proteção de menores, relativamente à medida de AF. Assim sendo, o Questionário sobre Perceções acerca do Acolhimento Familiar – Versão para Profissionais, foi preenchido por 101 profissionais, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e 58 anos. Os principais resultados mostram que 69,3% parecem estar familiarizados com o AF e cerca de 50% consideram-no uma medida adequada. Os profissionais parecem valorizar o facto de ser centrada na criança e promotora de seu desenvolvimento e de relações de vinculação de qualidade, devido ao contexto familiar. Relativamente às barreiras e condições essenciais para o sucesso da colocação, foram assinalados problemas semelhantes, ao nível da regulamentação e procedimentos, nomeadamente seleção, avaliação, formação, monitorização e apoio às famílias de acolhimento. As principais conclusões prendem-se com o contributo das perceções dos profissionais, para informar sobre as mudanças necessárias no sistema de proteção

    Diálogos de la psicología con la enfermería en tiempos de transición paradigmática

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    No momento atual, passamos por transição paradigmática em relação a como compreendemos Saúde e Cuidado. O modelo biomédico vem sendo substituído por uma visão integral do homem e, na assistência, privilegia-se a promoção de saúde e a prevenção de agravos. Entretanto, o discurso da responsabilidade pessoal pela saúde pode construir nos usuários sentimentos como culpa, vergonha, medo e paranóia, e nos profissionais, impotência e frustração. Estes sentimentos atrapalham a relação de vínculo e, com isto, a eficácia do atendimento. O objetivo deste estudo, de natureza teórica, é propor um diálogo entre a Psicologia, com sensibilidade construcionista social, e a Enfermagem, a fim de analisar as possibilidades de cuidado construídas a partir deste. Como alternativa ao discurso da responsabilidade pessoal, propõe-se a responsabilidade relacional e a compreensão de saúde e cuidado dentro do tempo longo, do tempo vivido e do tempo curto.Currently, we are experiencing a paradigm shift in relation to how we understand health and care. The biomedical model has been replaced by a vision of an integral being, and care emphasis is being placed on health promotion and disease prevention. However, the discourse of personal responsibility for health can generate in patients feelings of guilt, shame, fear and paranoia, while in professionals it can cause feelings of powerlessness and frustration. These feelings disrupt attachments and, thus, reduce the effectiveness of care. The objective of this theoretical study is to propose a dialogue between Psychology, with social constructionist sensitivity, and Nursing, to examine the possibilities of improving care from this approach. As an alternative to the discourse of personal responsibility, relational responsibility and understanding health and care in the long time, lived time and short time, is proposed.En la actualidad, atravesamos una transición paradigmática relativa a cómo comprendemos salud y cuidado. El modelo biomédico viene siendo sustituido por una visión integral del hombre, y en la atención se privilegia la promoción de salud y la prevención de complicaciones. Mientras tanto, el discurso de la responsabilidad personal por la salud puede construir en los usuarios sentimientos como culpa, vergüenza, miedo y paranoia, y en los profesionales, impotencia y frustración. Estos sentimientos dificultan la relación vinculante, y de este modo, la eficacia de la atención. Este estudio de naturaleza teórica objetiva proponer un diálogo entre la Psicología, con sensibilidad construccionista social, y la Enfermería, a fin de analizar las posibilidades de cuidado construidas a partir de tal diálogo. Como alternativa al discurso de responsabilidad personal, se propone la responsabilidad relacional y la comprensión de salud y cuidado a largo plazo, del tiempo vivido y del corto plazo

    Electroepoxidation of natural and synthetic alkenes mediated by sodium bromide

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    Electroepoxidation of synthetic alkenes (styrene, trans-stilbene and trans-b-methylstyrene) and of some natural terpenes (limonene, terpinolene, geraniol, a-terpinene, g-terpinene and a-terpineol) mediated by sodium bromide was performed in MeCN:H2O (4:1) at platinum electrodes. The indirect electrochemical oxidation of the olefins led to the corresponding epoxides in yields ranging from 23% to 79%.L’électroépoxydation d’alcènes synthétiques (styrène, trans-stilbène et trans-β- méthylstyrène) et d’alcènes naturels terpéniques (limonène, terpinolène, géraniol, α-terpinène, γ-terpinène et α-terpinéol) à l’aide de bromure de sodium a été réalisée dans un mélange MeCN:H2O (4:1) avec des électrodes de platine. L’oxydation électrochimique indirecte d’oléfines conduit aux époxydes correspondants avec des rendements allant de 23% à 79%.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Felicidade, bem-estar e sustentabilidade : representações e racionalidades numa comunidade no Nordeste Transmontano

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Cidadania Ambiental e Participação apresentada à Universidade AbertaA constatação que vivemos realidade(s) dinâmica(s), fruto de um mundo cada vez mais cambiante e exigente, conduz-nos ao questionamento da(s) identidade(s) individuais e coletivas, num contexto de globalização, de massificação e de mestiçagem. Os modelos políticos, económicos, tecnológicos e epistemológicos ocidentais, norteadores dos padrões de desenvolvimento das sociedades industrializadas, assentam em formas de racionalidade hegemónicas e intransigentes. Todavia, vão-se progressivamente assumindo outras configurações de práticas, racionalidades e saberes mais inclusivos, matizados e comunicantes. Em decorrência, as representações sociais e as racionalidades leigas funcionam como veículos para a compreensão de que os indivíduos e os grupos se movem em contextos vivenciais complexos, sendo ainda, causa e consequência de modos de pensar, de estar e de atuar muito próprios. Neste estudo exploratório de carácter qualitativo, os aspetos em questão foram analisados à luz de três eixos temáticos centrais e interconectados, tendo por base o projeto Tomelo Ecodesenvolvimento Lda., situado no Nordeste Transmontano. Consequentemente, procurámos compreender de que modo a felicidade, o bem-estar e a sustentabilidade são percecionados, vividos e representados, e se a Tomelo, através dos princípios que defende e das ações que empreende, consegue extravasar a mera vertente empresarial e constituir-se como exemplo para um desenvolvimento local consistente e equilibrado. Apurámos que é reconhecido o esforço da Tomelo para compatibilizar a vertente empresarial com as preocupações éticas, a preservação das espécies autóctones e da identidade coletiva, em suma, de todo o património material e imaterial da região, permitindo a sua dinamização, impulsionando a sua divulgação e possibilitando a criação de emprego.The substantiation that our reality is dynamic and assumes many different shapes as a result of an increasingly changing and demanding world, leads us to the questioning of the individual and collective identities, in a global context, of massification and miscegenation. The political, economical, technological and epistemological western models, that are the guides to the standards of development of industrialized societies, lay their foundation in forms of hegemonic and intransigent rationality. However, other configurations of more inclusive, tinted communicating practices, rationalities and kinds of knowledge are progressively coming forward. Therefore, social representations and lay rationalities work as vehicle for the comprehension that individuals and groups move in complex living contexts, and operate as cause and consequence of ways of thinking, being and acting very distinctive and idiosyncratic. In this exploratory study of qualitative character, the aspects in question have been analysed under the light of three thematic central lines, frequently interconnected, having as basis the project Tomelo, Ecodesenvolvimento Lda., situated in the “Nordeste Transmontano” region. Consequently, we have tried to understand how happiness, wellbeing/welfare and sustainability are understood, lived and represented, and if Tomelo, through the principles which upholds and the actions it undertakes can reach beyond a simple entrepreneurial way and set itself as an example for a local consistent and well balanced development. It was found that Tomelo´s effort is recognized in reconciling business with ethical concerns as well as in the preservation of native species and collective identity, in short, of all material and immaterial heritage of the region, allowing its dynamism and promotion, and enabling job creation